Your cockatiel's feathers are not only beautiful, they also serve many important functions including:
- Insulating your bird's body to keep her temperature normal.
- Protecting your bird's skin from water.
- Used to attract a mate.
- Used as a defense mechanism against predators.
This is why the process of molting is so important to your cockatiel's well-being.
A cockatiel's first molt usually happens between 6 to 12 months of age. Interestingly, cockatiels are actually in a continuous state of molting all year long; however, heavy molting will occur two times a year.Heavy molting consists of losing a large portion of feathers, including the tail and wing feathers.
You will easily know when your cockatiel is molting; there will be feathers everywhere at the bottom of your bird's cage and throughout your house.
Feathers are made of a protein called keratin. When your cockatiel goes through molting her feathers will be covered in a sheath of keratin for protection. This keratin will be most noticeable on your bird's small, pin feathers. I call them little stunts, because they look like stumpy, little, white-covered feathers.
Your cockatiel will preen more during a heavy molt and the keratin sheaths will come off resembling flakes of dandruff.
Loki often enjoys a good head and neck scratch (pin feathers are located in these areas) to remove the keratin covering from the feathers she cannot easily reach. This is a great way to bond with your bird. For instance, I help Loki preen and then she often tries to groom me by picking through my hair like she does with her tail feathers. It is definitely a bonding experience and will make your cockatiel feel safe because of her flock mentality.

There are some things to be mindful of when your cockatiel is molting. Firstly, remember that it takes about nine weeks after a molt for a new blood feather to become mature. During this time pay close attention to keeping your tiel's wings trimmed and try to prevent night frights and bumping into toys, furniture, or the cage.
Also, remember molting is a time of stress for your cockatiel.
Your cockatiel:
- Will be less active
- Will nap more
- Will be cranky because pin and blood feathers are uncomfortable for your bird.
- It will be easier for your tiel to get sick.
- Give your cockatiel foods high in vitamin A, such as sweet potatoes and carrots.
- Add more calcium to your cockatiel's diet by adding kale, parsley, and broccoli.
- Serve your tiel unsalted scrambled eggs for additional protein.
Molting is a normal process; however, if your cockatiel goes through a heavy molt all year or if your tiel has delayed molting and does not molt at least once a year contact your avian vet immediately.
Heavy molting more than three times a year and delayed molting can be an indication of medical problems, poor nutrition, or stress.
Molting can be a taxing process. To help ease the stress molting can cause provide your bird with additional love, take part in preening, and supply additional food for adequate nutrition.
Hi there! Thanks so much for this informative post. I have two main questions I hope you can answer.
ReplyDelete1. My cockatiel eats its droppings. It never used to, but started a month ago and its really discusting because his beak becomes green and gross. Is it normal?
2. My cockatiel itches like crazy and little white flakes are everywhere. But his feathers are not shedding. Does this still mean he is molting and loosing keratin sheath or does he have some sort of problem..?
Thanks! :D
Your welcome. I am glad you found the information useful. Ok, my cockatiel was eating her droppings as well. I asked my vet about this and she said it is due to boredom. I gave Loki some new toys and mixed things up a bit. She stopped doing it after that. Those white flakes are just keratin sheath; your bird is just problem to worry about.
ReplyDeleteCan my cockatiel feel weak and breath through his mouth when it's molting? My cockatiel is 13 years old and Im worried about her since we do not have any avian vets here in Puerto Rico :(
ReplyDeleteI am not an avian vet and I cannot diagnose your cockatiel, but that does not sound like normal molting behavior to me. This really sounds like a respiratory infection since he is breathing through his mouth. Remember, birds hide their illnesses as a defense mechanism against predators in the wild. There are no avian vets in Puerto Rico!?! Hmm, the next best thing I can suggest is consulting with a regular vet or contacting someone at a local zoo who specializes in exotic birds. I hope your little guy is ok. Keep me updated!
DeleteMy cockatiel sleeps most of the time in the day and he is really fluffed up too. And i can see he also looses his feathers sometimes he also eats his poop. Is he molting??
DeleteMy 6 month old has become real cranky and trying to bite lately. Is she molting. We take her out of the cage daily and handle her, but this behavior has just started. I have noticed the fluffy feather from the front of the bird around the house and a few small ones from her tail. Is this molting?
ReplyDeletemy 7 yr old female is in a heavy molt she is sleeping to much lacks apatite and her wings are relaxed her nose is clean eyes are brite, her droppings aare normal should I worry?
ReplyDeleteMy cockatiel is only 3 and a half months old. he was recently tackled by my dog and lost tail feathers but is otherwise ok. he has become more agitated but wants lots of attention and he is losing little feathers is this an early molt and is it normal
ReplyDeleteHello, I just bought a beautiful, pied, hand-fed (supposedly) cockatiel from our local Petco. The little thing won't come out of the corner o its birdcage and threatens to bite me when I come near. Also, it has not eaten since I brought it home. Is this normal behavior for a hand-fed baby. If so, should I leave him/her alone or continue trying to touch/hold him/her. Please help!
ReplyDeleteHe/she is stressed and frightened and its first new environment. Just talk to him and let him observe you until he gets used to you. Keep a soft, soothing voice around him. He'll be very good in a while.
DeleteMaybe your bird needs time to adjust to it's new surroundings, mine was the same at first. Eventually I got him a friend as I was sorry for him, it was the smartest thing I ever did.
DeleteSometimes the birds in bigger pet sites are there a while mine was there for 3 months before we got her. She never was taken out unless to clean the cage so we waited for her to come to us. She was very clumsy at 1st but now loves us
DeleteAlso, my little bird is quite small. Is that an indicator of age? I owned a cockatiel previously for eight years; however, I have not had one for over ten years. I think I just need a refresher course....
ReplyDeleteCockatiels grow to full size pretty young and can be anywhere from about 75-100 grams.
DeleteI have an albino cockatiel. How do tell the sex of him/her?
ReplyDeleteProbably only by behavior or blood test. If the bird sings and whistles, it's a male. If the bird is pretty quiet, its a female.
DeleteOpposite of people. lol
Deletewe love seeing sexism in an old cockatiel care blog/site/whatever
DeleteHello Ashley,
ReplyDeleteI am a first time bird owner. I've been doing a lot of reading on cockatiels what to do what not to do and what not. I really need some help though. My cockatiel adapted very well to my home because she already knew and trusted me because i visited her a lot in the pet store until i knew we were perfect for each other. well... since she started molting she will be very sweet one second rubbing faces with me and she she will hiss and bite my ear really hard. i don't punish her. i just put her on her cage and walk away from the situation. We haven't quite gotten to the petting part she doesn't really like to be touched unless with with your cheek. I need help! i don't know what to do to help her! she wont let me up her! please help i want us both to be happy because i love her so much.
Thank you
Please contact me by email if you would i wont spam you
Dear Ashley
ReplyDeleteI have buy a one year old cockatiel mail that is moulting and it dose not eat the think you recommend or drink the moultone moulting tonic, he is new to us and panics and injures his self, please can you help and advice us what to do?
Thank you
Salim Patel.
Is it okay to have 2 cockatiels in one cage when 1 of them is melting?
ReplyDeleteI think you have bigger issues if your bird is melting lol
ReplyDeleteI think you have bigger issues if your bird is melting lol
ReplyDeleteI've had my bird for a few months now. But it's feathers never really came out. It looks like it's molting but it's been that way for months now. We had it since it was a baby. What can I do to help her grow her feathers?
ReplyDeleteI've had my bird for a few months now. But it's feathers never really came out. It looks like it's molting but it's been that way for months now. We had it since it was a baby. What can I do to help her grow her feathers?
ReplyDeleteHi, I am a new owner. We inherited my husband's grandmother teil after she passed away. This bird is 33 years old! Which in reading is very old for this species. She is very sweet and has us trained to pet her often. I'm noticing lots of feathers in her cage, I'm hoping it's molting. But I am also nervous about the feathers because 1 she's very old 2 she's had a lot of changes in the last 2 months. She is acting like her old self, eating, drinking, singing, dancing. I've never witnessed a molt so should I be concerned? It's mainly tiny feathers and a tail feather. She's never been out of her cage or handle much so, I'm scared to try anything new with her age. Any advice or places for more information is appreciated!
ReplyDeleteMy cockatiels are only 6 weeks and one is losing his feathers under his wings is that bad or am I worried for nothing
ReplyDeleteWhen I first got my bird, I would sit next to her cage with the door open and sing to her. I would offer her food from my hand. When he/she finally takes the food it shows trust. Give the little one time. Be patient. Don't get upset. Don't show fear when he/she tries to bite you. Just take your hand or whatever you're offering away. Read their body language. The poor thing is now in a completely different environment. But with time you can give him/her a wonderful, happy home!
ReplyDeleteThank you for all this information. I have an 18 year old cockatiel that I just adopted and is going through a molt now. Your information and diet suggestions truly helped me.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi. I have a 4 month old girl and her feathers are everywhere. I have not noticed any tail or wing feathers. She has always had fluffy and messy looking feathers and I think it is because her parents plucked her back, back of neck and legs. Is this ok? I was thinking she might still be healing but if it is a molt it is too early right?
ReplyDeleteHello, I have a two month old cockatiel. I’m am worried, because it’s feathers on its body look quite roughed up. They almost appear to look more like fur and not feathers. His head looks completely fine though. They aren’t falling out more than usual or anything, but I can’t figure out why this happening. Is it normal?
ReplyDeleteSorry, typo. I meant to say two year old cockatiel. This only started happening recently, maybe a month or so ago.
DeleteHello! I have a 2 year old Cockatiel and he's starting to molt i think. He's napping a lot as I've read but he sleeps at both the bottom of the cage AND top perch. Is it normal for them to feel weaker and not stand on the perch often when molting?
Hi! I have a cockateil. He is 1 year old. I am always talking to him. I put my hand in the cage. I try to get him to come on my finger. I am trying to make him say hello. All he does is hiss at me. Can I get some tips on how to get him to stop hissing?
ReplyDeleteHi! I have a cockateil. He is 1 year old. I am always talking to him. I put my hand in the cage. I try to get him to come on my finger. I am trying to make him say hello. All he does is hiss at me. Can I get some tips on how to get him to stop hissing?
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this informative information about feather throwing toys for pet with us. It's very helpful. Keep it up!